Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Spirit

I want to apologize. This is the first time in a couple weeks I could take time to blog. Between moving from Chicago to Philly. My Dad having a stroke and taking care of my mom. Running between both. Not seeing my husband for weeks. I still have not finished Christmas shopping yet. It has been nuts.

I think this is a perfect time to talk about this subject. What is the Christmas Spirit? This time of year is sensitive to all of us. It does not matter where you live, how much money you have or what religion you are. Some how we all feel something stronger at this time of season. We cannot quite put our fingers on it. Looking at decorations. A persons face. We just see something more than what we see all year.

I went shopping the other day. I noticed that people were a little nicer. Holding doors for other people. Saying excuse me to get by. No tempers flaring. It was a nice change of pace for me. My patience have been worn thin from all the craziness in my own life. It finally made me stop and take a breath for a minute.

We all have bad things happen to us. Things we cannot control. It makes us feel helpless to the people we want to help. I needed to remember that I am surrounded by people who are just like me. We all have our problems in life. It is how we handle them that matters.

For me the Christmas Spirit is a moment in time to reflect and then pass on happiness to others. Saying hello to someone. Tell them to have a nice day or just smile. Remember, it is the little things in life that matter. You will be surprised at how far a good gesture will go. I am sending positive thoughts to all of you and a big hug to all that needs one.

Wishing you all Love, Happiness and Peace this Christmas Season.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Long Road Home

This journey began five years ago when my then fiancée and now husband asked me to move to Chicago with him to further advance his career with his company. Now, I am a Philly girl born and raised. I am very close with my family due to my rock AKA- Dad. I was very hesitant about leaving everyone behind. I wanted to support my guy though. He said we would have a two year plan. Stay for two years and find a way to get back home to Philly. I told him yes and so began a new life in Chicago.

The first six months I was living in Chicago. Homesick really could not describe how I felt there. I missed everyone so horribly I did not know how I was going to get through day to day. We could only come back to Philly twice a year with vacation time. It is 800 miles between Chicago and Philly. I wanted to support my guy and stay positive for him. It was him that actually kept me positive. I think I was driving him nuts until I found a job there. It turned out to be the best job I had ever had. I was a Finance and Marketing Manager for a Travel Club. I worked directly with the owner and president of the company. Some how in the middle of working for and with such great people I began to like living there.

The area we lived in was very nice and clean. Chicago is absolutely beautiful during the summer. I had the best time boating on Lake Michigan. Navy Pier is a great place to visit too. We have friends that lived in the same complex as we did. That made it even better to be there. During the winter Chicago is brutal. It goes below 0 degrees there and it snows a lot. They do have the best snow removal I have ever seen but they did not clean my car off everyday. That was me. Chicago has very high taxes and is very expensive to live there.

A year and a half ago my life there began a downwards spiral. When the economy went bad so went my job. My company kept me on long after they should have so I was not surprised when I was laid off. I tried and tried to find a job there with no luck. My husband who is the most positive person I know was coming home miserable from his job. I did not know what to do or say to help him. I could not even help myself at the time.

I started interacting with some incredible people on Twitter. I was inspired again. Sometimes the littlest thing goes a long way. I started to Blog. Then it happened. We got the news that we both had been waiting for. The manager of my husbands Philly branch left the company. We acted very quickly to apply for that position and we were told the greatest words ever, “ You are going home to Philly”. I cannot tell you how quick we called our family. I think we broke records.

In those five years my husband and I have missed a lot and been through a lot. We have lost many loved ones. Our relationship together grew stronger. He is my best friend. I know that everything in life happens for a reason. I met good friends in Chicago. They made the last year bearable to get by.

I am finally here in Philly after 5 years and a 14 hour car ride. I was welcomed in style with my friends 40th birthday and a tricked out Limo that was a club in itself. I even had the best mommy moment ever when Russell Crowe tweeted my daughter back. To see her face was priceless. I know I have so much to do now. Find a job, find a place to live, and most important. I get to spend time with our family again.

This is where The Long Road Home ends. Now a new life begins.