Tuesday, July 26, 2011


     Today my friends children decided they wanted to open a lemonade stand with all proceeds going to Alex's Lemonade Stand. For those of you who do no know her remarkable story, please log onto http://www.alexslemonade.org/ . I just do not feel qualified to tell her beautiful story.

In the daily grind of our lives there should always be time to pause and remember just how lucky we really are. Sometimes the universe in all its glory talks to us in different ways. It can leave suttle hints or hit us so hard we can barely get up.

For me, today it was the big hearts of children. I walked around the corner today which I will admit I cannot remember the last time I did that. I seen friends I have not spoken to in awhile. I just wanted to give to the cause that for a brief moment made me smile. I have learned the hard way recently to hold on to those precious moments.

Although Alex is gone, her legacy remains in the smiles, hopes and dreams come true for billions because of her heart.

            I just wanted to say, " Thank you ".