Saturday, December 4, 2010


Over the years, I have heard how Christmas tree's offend people and the word Christmas. It has always been here in the United States of America. You are taking away my rights to celebrate my holiday. If you want to build and express your holiday. I am 100% behind you. You do not have the right to take my traditions from me. I it is my constitutional right to express my holiday as well as yours.

This country and our politicians need to open their eyes. I have never made a comment about anyone else’s holidays or tried to take them away. If we cannot celebrate our traditions as we have for many years in this country then you should not be able to celebrate yours.

It is ridiculous that we have come this far. Politically correct is an infringement on my rights as a US citizen. I pay my taxes. I was born and raised in this country and I have rights just like you. I am not telling you to stop your holiday. Leave mine alone.

Follow Philadelphia, PA example. We are the first to fight. There are many traditions that our lost in this country along with values. What are we teaching our children if we cannot support the foundation of our own country.  :


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Spirit

I want to apologize. This is the first time in a couple weeks I could take time to blog. Between moving from Chicago to Philly. My Dad having a stroke and taking care of my mom. Running between both. Not seeing my husband for weeks. I still have not finished Christmas shopping yet. It has been nuts.

I think this is a perfect time to talk about this subject. What is the Christmas Spirit? This time of year is sensitive to all of us. It does not matter where you live, how much money you have or what religion you are. Some how we all feel something stronger at this time of season. We cannot quite put our fingers on it. Looking at decorations. A persons face. We just see something more than what we see all year.

I went shopping the other day. I noticed that people were a little nicer. Holding doors for other people. Saying excuse me to get by. No tempers flaring. It was a nice change of pace for me. My patience have been worn thin from all the craziness in my own life. It finally made me stop and take a breath for a minute.

We all have bad things happen to us. Things we cannot control. It makes us feel helpless to the people we want to help. I needed to remember that I am surrounded by people who are just like me. We all have our problems in life. It is how we handle them that matters.

For me the Christmas Spirit is a moment in time to reflect and then pass on happiness to others. Saying hello to someone. Tell them to have a nice day or just smile. Remember, it is the little things in life that matter. You will be surprised at how far a good gesture will go. I am sending positive thoughts to all of you and a big hug to all that needs one.

Wishing you all Love, Happiness and Peace this Christmas Season.

Monday, November 8, 2010

The Long Road Home

This journey began five years ago when my then fiancée and now husband asked me to move to Chicago with him to further advance his career with his company. Now, I am a Philly girl born and raised. I am very close with my family due to my rock AKA- Dad. I was very hesitant about leaving everyone behind. I wanted to support my guy though. He said we would have a two year plan. Stay for two years and find a way to get back home to Philly. I told him yes and so began a new life in Chicago.

The first six months I was living in Chicago. Homesick really could not describe how I felt there. I missed everyone so horribly I did not know how I was going to get through day to day. We could only come back to Philly twice a year with vacation time. It is 800 miles between Chicago and Philly. I wanted to support my guy and stay positive for him. It was him that actually kept me positive. I think I was driving him nuts until I found a job there. It turned out to be the best job I had ever had. I was a Finance and Marketing Manager for a Travel Club. I worked directly with the owner and president of the company. Some how in the middle of working for and with such great people I began to like living there.

The area we lived in was very nice and clean. Chicago is absolutely beautiful during the summer. I had the best time boating on Lake Michigan. Navy Pier is a great place to visit too. We have friends that lived in the same complex as we did. That made it even better to be there. During the winter Chicago is brutal. It goes below 0 degrees there and it snows a lot. They do have the best snow removal I have ever seen but they did not clean my car off everyday. That was me. Chicago has very high taxes and is very expensive to live there.

A year and a half ago my life there began a downwards spiral. When the economy went bad so went my job. My company kept me on long after they should have so I was not surprised when I was laid off. I tried and tried to find a job there with no luck. My husband who is the most positive person I know was coming home miserable from his job. I did not know what to do or say to help him. I could not even help myself at the time.

I started interacting with some incredible people on Twitter. I was inspired again. Sometimes the littlest thing goes a long way. I started to Blog. Then it happened. We got the news that we both had been waiting for. The manager of my husbands Philly branch left the company. We acted very quickly to apply for that position and we were told the greatest words ever, “ You are going home to Philly”. I cannot tell you how quick we called our family. I think we broke records.

In those five years my husband and I have missed a lot and been through a lot. We have lost many loved ones. Our relationship together grew stronger. He is my best friend. I know that everything in life happens for a reason. I met good friends in Chicago. They made the last year bearable to get by.

I am finally here in Philly after 5 years and a 14 hour car ride. I was welcomed in style with my friends 40th birthday and a tricked out Limo that was a club in itself. I even had the best mommy moment ever when Russell Crowe tweeted my daughter back. To see her face was priceless. I know I have so much to do now. Find a job, find a place to live, and most important. I get to spend time with our family again.

This is where The Long Road Home ends. Now a new life begins.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

How Do We Stop it?

Everyday when I wake up. The first thing I do is read the news on the internet and everyday the first thing I see on the news is that another child was killed due to bullying. This is not acceptable. Their has to be a way to stop this.

We send our children to school everyday thinking that they are going to be safe and get a better education. This is not the case anymore. What are we teaching our children if they only thing they can remember is that someone came to school and shot everyone?

Although all schools can bring more awareness and a no tolerance to bullying. You cannot blame the school. Teaching the difference between right and wrong must start at home. You can put all the metal detectors you want in schools. They will find away around them.

As Parents. We must teach our children better. Bullying must stop. When approached by another parent to resolve a bullying issue. Boys will be boys and Girls will be girls is not a solution. You are just enabling the problem to go further. It is time to step up and be the parent.

This is my plea to all the parents in the world. The only one who can start by making a difference is you. Talk to your children. Teach them not to hate. Violence brings more violence.

So, I ask all parents. How do we stop it?

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ode to the Televsion Set

Since the first TV rolled off of the assembly line. We were all fascinated by it. To see a picture transmission in the comforts of your own home was amazing verses just hearing voices over the radio. They first started in black and white. At the time were very expensive and not in most homes like today.

TV’s had a hand dial to change the channel and an antenna. Remember the days when you were forced to get exercise and walk to the TV to change the channel. When the TV got fuzzy we all got very creative.We would put aluminum foil on the antenna and use wire hangers. One of my favorites was when you would make your children stand there and hold the antenna so you could finish watching your sports game.
Thanks Dad.

TV makers got more inventive by making them in color and having a remote. One of the first remote’s I can remember had a very long cord that stretched across the floor to your couch. You may have tripped over it causing bodily injury but it never out weighed the fact now you did not have to get up to change the channel. At the end of this cord was what reminded me of a hospital emergency call button. When you pressed this button, the channel only moved forward.

Now every Saturday morning as a child I had a tradition that was very important to me to follow since I played soccer. It meant the difference between a good or bad game. I would sit down before my game to watch one of my favorite programs. Now being that this so called hospital button only moved the channel forward. I cannot tell you how frustrating it was when the channel moved too fast and always skipped over the Smurf’s.

Technology advanced more when they came out with the cordless remote. Now we could actually type in  the channel we wanted to watch. No more long cords to fall over. Did not have to wait for the channels to go all the way forward to get to the channel you wanted. We were set.

The biggest problems we have with the TV today are how to change the channel when we cannot find the remote and trying to find something we want to watch through the hundreds of channels we have today. Tough Stuff. So I say Ode to the Television Set for making me lazy and glued to your awesome screen.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Do you hang to the right or the left?

Now at this point you are probably laughing at the title. Me too. Dirty minds do think alike. So let me begin to clarify that I am not talking about whatever it is you are thinking. However, I would like to know later what is was you were thinking so feel free to leave a comment at the bottom.

Today I have decided to investigate Personalities. They play a crucial role in everyone’s life. Personalities help with business, friendship and lets not forget the most important thing. It helps when we are searching for a significant other.

If I actually listed all the personality types, you might be here a while trying to decipher which one you are close to. I have decided to simplify and have fun breaking them down. You either hang to the right or the left.

If you hang to the right, you are a creative thinker. You are a highly motivated person. You are not opposed to taking risks. You get excited by new ideas but bored with the details. Great people skills. You like to make things more fun for others. Sometimes you can be assertive and outspoken.

If you hang to the left, you are practical, traditional and organized. You can be a very quiet person. You are sensitive to others. Loyal and faithful. Interested in serving humanity. This type of person is not interested in leading or controlling others. You can be serious a lot.

It seems that I hang to the right when it comes to my personality. I love to laugh and I love to make other people laugh. I get excited by new things and although I am good with details, I get bored with them. When it comes to my home, I admit that it is my way or the highway. When I get upset, I am very outspoken.

Now I really want you to take a few moments and think which one of these personalities are more dominant to you. Do you hang to the right or the left?

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Inspiration From a Surprising Place

This all began when I first started using Twitter. Like other millions of people I was interested in using this program. I wanted to see for myself, what twitter is about. I must admit that I was a little lost until I learned to navigate it. I finally had the basics down but I was unprepared when I started to read another persons tweet. It felt a bit intrusive. I was also intimidated to reply to tweets at first but I was also determined to interact.

Russell Crowe had always been an interest to me. I am a big fan. I respect the fact he is not afraid to speak his mind. Some people do not appreciate that but I do. Through Russell I began to start writing his other fans. I was truly afraid to tweet him first. I guess that is the fan inside of me.

To my surprise, I was interacting with people all over the world. My twitter friends are nice, funny, interesting and lovely people to write. From them I am learning about different cultures, ideas and it has given me ambition to do more.

People are not so different from each other no matter what continent you live on. We have good days and bad days. All of us hope, dream and try to achieve a better life. Hate is not welcome here, only the ability to have an open mind. I have also learned we all have a few nuts in the bunch.

This whole experience has given me the courage to do much more. Not just in Twitter life but in my everyday life. This was the Inspiration to do something I have never done before. I am putting myself out there for the whole world to see. This is my first Blog. 

 I know this might not be the most interesting piece. It is mine. Thank you to Twitter, Russell Crowe and all of my twitter friends. You know who you are.