Friday, May 13, 2011

Education Never Stops

We live in a world full of different races and religions. Separated by continents. We all have thoughts, feelings and patriotism for our countries. Does this separation really make us different? I learn a lot everyday from you. I have tweeted with people all over this world. Some nice, some opinionated and some malicious. Who is right and who is wrong? Although we live in different nations most of us have one common bond. We are human.

Recent events drove me to write this. Osama Bin Laden was killed by US Navy Seals. I am a very open minded person but not on one subject, “Terrorism“. On 9/11/2001 I woke up to the noise of my whole family in my living room. I went down stairs to see what was going on to find out that a plane hit the Twin Towers. Then the news quickly flashed on the Pentagon saying another plane had hit that too. In disbelief of what was going on I could not take my eyes from the TV. As I was watching still, I noticed another plane that looked too close to the buildings and said something to my family. They stopped talking and watched. Another plane had hit the twin towers. You could see firefighters and police running in the buildings as people were running out. Time seemed to slow down. My eyes glued to the TV, they showed the buildings crumble down, one by one. Human beings running for their lives. My house was silent. The next image was just dust. Later, they reported a plane went down in Pennsylvania.

This happened because some psychopath decided they did not like everyone in the US. He thought we all should die. Do you think he was right? Thousands of human beings died that day. They woke up that morning, told their families they would see them later and went to work. Does that sound familiar? They were not armed. Had no agenda further than their job. These human beings never returned home. Would you feel differently if Al-Qaeda did this to your country, your people?

I have listened to a lot of opinions. I myself have mixed feelings about him not being brought in alive. I was surprised at all the malicious, uneducated comments saying , “We deserved what we got“, “We did it to ourselves“. Make no mistake, we are not alone in fighting terrorism. They have been plaguing other countries all over the world killing innocent human beings. Are the people of the United States lives any less than yours? What makes your country so much better? Do not say your Legal system, as we all have issues. Do not say your politics, as that is the first complaint of every country in this world. Do not say your people, as we all have a few rotten fruit. The only thing separating us are invisible lines. That does not make you a better person or more human.

I never thought myself better than anyone. I am a middle class person just trying to get by in this world like everyone else. I care about people. I do not want to see anyone hurt regardless of race, religion or continent. I love animals. I do not want to see them hurt either. I just want you to know that 9/11/2001 has changed me forever. When I hear a plane, I do not stop watching where it is going. When I board one, I look at every single passenger. I cant help wonder if they are a terrorist. Sad, but I am not alone. I wonder everyday when they will attack us again. Where they will attack us again. I do not want to die. I do not want my family, friends or people to die. No human being deserves that.

I learn everyday from all of you. I hope you learned something from me. I respect opinions but not malicious or arrogant comments. I do believe in Karma, “What goes around does come back around”. Education Never Stops.

1 comment:

  1. A good post Lainie. It gives a person a lot of things to think about. I'm probably one of the 'opinionated' ones (I hope not 'malicious' anyway). I honestly don't think about it every time I hear a plane, or when I get on one. Because I'm stubborn, I think. I refuse to live my life with that kind of fear. I think it takes too much away from me. 9/11 left me with bitter memories and the hope that nothing like that ever happens in this country or any other again, but it didn't change my life. I refuse to let it. But I do respect your opinion and I know plenty of others who share it.
