Saturday, December 4, 2010


Over the years, I have heard how Christmas tree's offend people and the word Christmas. It has always been here in the United States of America. You are taking away my rights to celebrate my holiday. If you want to build and express your holiday. I am 100% behind you. You do not have the right to take my traditions from me. I it is my constitutional right to express my holiday as well as yours.

This country and our politicians need to open their eyes. I have never made a comment about anyone else’s holidays or tried to take them away. If we cannot celebrate our traditions as we have for many years in this country then you should not be able to celebrate yours.

It is ridiculous that we have come this far. Politically correct is an infringement on my rights as a US citizen. I pay my taxes. I was born and raised in this country and I have rights just like you. I am not telling you to stop your holiday. Leave mine alone.

Follow Philadelphia, PA example. We are the first to fight. There are many traditions that our lost in this country along with values. What are we teaching our children if we cannot support the foundation of our own country.  :